All you really need to get your heart pumping and your blood flowing is a ten minute cardio routine. Here is what we do: First, I blast ten minutes worth of our favorite dance tunes on the iPod. Second, I release my children in the living room with instructions to dance their hearts out and to keep moving until the music stops. Third, I copy everything they do... as vigourously as they do it! Fourth, I pull out my hidden chearleading talents when the kids start to poop out and encourage them to keep going by doing my own crazy dance moves.
OK. I understand that this might seem like a strange idea, but I get WAY more of a workout mimicking my girls for ten minutes then I do running on a treadmill or elliptical for the same amount of time. Plus its fun for everyone! You get to play a super fun game with your kids while simultaneously burning some serious calories and prepping your body for the workout to come. Give it a try. You'll be surprised at how fun it can be :)
And just for fun, here is a video of Brooklyn dancing before Lily figured out what was going on. The girl has an endless supply of energy!
Total cuteness! Isn't it amazing how much energy kids have? I 'm watching Brooklyn in her solo just running around like the energizer bunny and wondering how I can get me some of that energy! I love how Lily's just sitting on the floor reading a book in that one. haha! She's like, "yeah I'll just sit this one out, crazy person." lol! Seriously a great workout idea, whenever we have dance parties I'm huffing and puffing like I just climbed a mountain. Good stuff!