Monday with Arielle
Opening Activity: File folder games, then make a Telescope out of paper towel rolls!
Circle Time:
- Date/Time/Weather
- Songs: “Row Row Row Your Boat”, “Sailing Sailing”, and “Day-O”.
- Counting with the Calendar: count length of voyage-72 days, count how many weeks are in those 72 days, and count how many full months are in those 72 days.
Wiggle Time: “A Sailor Went to Sea Sea Sea” -
- Story – “Let’s Meet Christopher Columbus”
- Map Work: Use telescope to help locate Genoa, Italy; Indies; Palos, Spain; San Salvador. (letter recognition on map)
- Buoyancy Science Experiment.
Wednesday with Naomi
Opening Activity: Build “The New World” with blocks and Legos
- Date/Time/Weather
- Story Time: Christopher Columbus Video
- Singing water songs with the Ukulele (Row, row, row your boat, Give said the little stream, etc.)
Wiggle Time: Boat races in boxes
Lesson: Make Christopher Columbus Story books recapping what he did
Friday Field Trip
Make boats out of recycled material and take them to a local park with a water feature where you can have boat races!
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