Monday with Arielle
Opening Activity: Space word worksheets. Race to Space Game. Rockets in Order Activity. Review sight word flash cards.
- Date/Time/Weather
- Space Songs (pinterest).
- Read - “There’s No Place Like Space”
Lesson: Watch video of how food is made for and eaten by astronauts in space. Read “The Sun and Moon”. Identify the planets by listening to clues.
Craft: Solar system picture.
Wednesday Field Trip
Visit Adler Planetarium in Downtown Chicago
Friday with Naomi
Opening Activity: Reading with phonics AND practicing sight words
Circle Time:
- Date/Time/Weather
- Sing "Z is for Zelda who Zoomed off to Mars" and "Xavier the Alien came from Outer Space"
- Read "Jet Bed" together
Wiggle Time: Physical fitness test to see if we're ready to go up into space
Lesson: Read book on the Solar System and attach Planet stickers to appropriate pages
Craft: Glitter Rocket Ships