Friday, October 7, 2011

Good Friday: Car Wash

Because today was a BEAUTIFUL 84 degrees outside with a nice cool breeze to keep the sweat off, Brooklyn and I decided to clean the car to surprise Kevin for our "Good Friday" good deed!

The car was LOADED with garbage, empty sippie cups, and food crumbs (that I mostly ended up cleaning) but there was also a lot of dust and grime that needed some scrubbing... and that's really where Brooklyn came in.

She scrubbed and scrubbed as hard as she could, even though she couldn't reach most of the dirty spots, and when she was done she smiled from ear to ear and said, "Mommy, dad is gonna be SOOOO proud of us! I can't wait to surprise him!"

The whole job took less than 20 minutes, but it definitely made an impact on Brooklyn. She was thrilled with her hard work and I'm pretty sure Kevin will be too! :)

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